Host/Institute: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs and Migration Policy Group
Critical dates (if applicable): Covers the period 2007-2019
Location (country, city): Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific
Contributors/Partners: Center for Global Development, IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network)
Key Findings:
Link to initiative home page:
Description: The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique tool which measures policies to integrate migrants in countries across six continents, including all EU Member States (including the UK), other European countries (Albania, Iceland, North Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine), Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, United Arab Emirates), North American countries (Canada, Mexico and US), South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), South Africa, and Australia and New Zealand in Oceania.
The project informs and engages key policy actors about how to use indicators to improve integration governance and policy effectiveness.