UPDATE: 2023 Global Refugee Labour Mobility Summit: Outcomes
In March 2021, Talent Beyond Boundaries and Fragomen co-hosted the first Global Refugee Labour Mobility Summit in Jordan. Supported by UNHCR and the Global TaskForce on Refugee Labour Mobility, this landmark event was the first convening of the global community working to dramatically expand employment pathways for displaced talent, including representatives from the private sector, government, NGOs, international organizations, and refugees themselves. Read more about the concrete outcomes and commitments here.
Event Host/Institute: Talent Beyond Boundaries & Fragomen
Event date and time (to and from): 6-10 March 2023
Event location/venue: Amman, Jordan
Event type: International Conference
Link: https://www.talentbeyondboundaries.org/global-summit
TBB will be hosting the Global Refugee Labour Mobility Summit in Amman, Jordan on 6-10 March 2023 alongside Fragomen. The Summit will be supported by UNHCR in coordination with the Global Task Force on Refugee Labour Mobility.
This will be a first convening of the global community working to dramatically expand employment pathways for displaced talent. This event will be a unique blend of planning and acting, strategizing and getting the job done.
The Summit will bring together leaders from businesses, governments, NGOs and international organizations for focused discussions on the week’s theme: Growing Employment Pathways for Displaced Talent: Obstacles, Solutions, Commitments.
The conference day on Tuesday 7 March will be complemented by a full week of events celebrating labour mobility. This will include a series of workshops and a Job Fair for refugees, giving employers from around the world a chance to meet, interview and hire from this unique talent pool. A meeting of the Global Task Force on Refugee Labour Mobility will also take place.
The Summit seeks to seize on current global momentum by focusing powerful networks on problem solving.