Inequality and Fairness in Refugee Protection | 7th Annual RLI Conference

UPDATE: Recordings added. 21-23 June, 2023 - London, UK

Event Host/Institute: Refugee Law Initiative
Event location/venue: Senate House, Malet Street, London, UK
Event date and time (to and from): 21-23 June, 2023
Event type: Conference/Symposium

The RLI Annual Conference offers a dedicated annual forum internationally to share and debate the latest research and cutting-edge developments in refugee protection. This conference builds on previous annual conferences by uniting academics, practitioners, policy-makers and students to consider pressing challenges in refugee law and policy.

This year’s dedicated conference theme – ‘Inequality and Fairness in Refugee Protection’ – asks how law and policy can address the profound challenges of inequality and unfairness experienced by refugees and other displaced persons in many parts of the world.

UPDATE: Selection of Presentations and Recordings

Summary and themes tackled by the conference:

The views expressed are those of the author/s, and are not attributable to the host organisations of the Resettlement.Plus website.

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