Event Host/Institute: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Event date and time (to and from): July 11, 2023, 3:00-4:30 PM CEST, 9:00-10:30AM EST.
Event location/venue: Online
Event type: Webinar
Link: https://icmpd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rvXDOmOPRLKm8Qlu5fkbuA#/registration
Description from host:
In March 2025 at the latest, the current temporary protection scheme for people fleeing war in Ukraine will come to an end. Determining what comes next for those who wish to remain in host countries is a complex task, and it is already time to think about what will happen when temporary protection ends. Governments must navigate multiple policy options and practical considerations, which undoubtedly include displaced Ukrainians’ own intentions and continued uncertainties amid ongoing war. The implications for the millions of individuals concerned are immense, and host governments will need to communicate in a timely and clear manner about their future prospects. In addition, there would be many benefits if EU countries take a common approach, yet this strategy is not without its challenges.
This webinar will explore the range of potential solutions to enabling persons displaced from Ukraine to remain in the EU, including the use of current asylum and other long-term residence channels, as well as new forms of temporary protection or the recently proposed reconstruction permit. By drawing on past experiences and current initiatives, speakers will assess the political and technical feasibility of these options and their potential impact on both refugees and EU host countries.
This webinar coincides with the launch of a new discussion paper, which is part of ICMPD’s ongoing effort to provide analysis and stimulate insightful discussions among Member States on post-temporary protection arrangements.