Description from host: Successful work on family reunification strengthens the capacity of individuals to function in their host countries and promotes social and economic self-sufficiency. The Family Reunification Working Group (FRWG) advocates for a flexible and expansive approach to family reunification depending on the actual family bonds of the beneficiaries, thus enhancing their integration prospects.
The FRWG promotes sustainable solutions for beneficiaries of international protection by facilitating effective procedures and clear referral pathways for family reunification, and in this way upholding family unity.
The FRWG aims to build a resilient framework on family reunification in order to better serve the needs of refugee families across the globe and influence a a state that is likely to have a detrimental impact on the right to family life.
Through the FRWG, the RCRC Movement enhances its family reunification work ranging from advocacy for the families’ rights to reunification, legal and administrative support in the process, helps with the provision of identity papers and travel documents, facilitates of physical reunification in coordination with the concerned authorities, institutions and organisations.
Host/Institute: International Committee of the Red Cross
Contributors/Partners: EU Member States and in third countries where the Family Links Network of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (RCRC Movement) operates.
Critical Dates: 5 April 2018 – Present
Trace the face Europe:
Restoring family links: