Conversations with Iris: Migration, displacement and (im)mobility in a (post) Covid world

Conversations with Iris is a podcast/zoomcast series on migration, displacement and (im)mobility produced by the Institute for Research into Superdiveresity at the University of Birmingham.

Host/Institute: Institute for Research into Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham
Critical Dates: May 2020 – present.
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Description from Host: Conversations with Iris is a podcast/zoomcast series on migration, displacement and (im)mobility produced by the Institute for Research into Superdiveresity at the University of Birmingham. In our Conversations, we dialogue with researchers, teachers, writers, migrants, refugees, activists, community organisers, artists and policymakers on issues related to migration and diversity in the (post-) Covid world. The series is edited and produced by Stefano Piemontese and Nando Sigona in partnership with Marie Skłodowska-Curie’s project RETRY 

The views expressed are those of the author/s, and are not attributable to the host organisations of the Resettlement.Plus website.

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