Temporary public policy concerning the resettlement of women in Mexico who are survivors of sexual and gender-based violence

IRCC has announced this new temporary public policy that, through the identification and facilitation of Reed Smith LLP, allows the resettlement of up to 100 people who identify as women and who are survivors of SGBV, and who have fled their home country and are currently residing in Mexico.

Host/Institute: Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada, Reed Smith LLP, and the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
Critical Dates: Beginning February 2024, the program will continue for three years or until 100 principal applicants have been received.
Links: Temporary public policy concerning the resettlement of women in Mexico who are survivors of sexual and gender-based violence – Canada.ca
Reed Smith LLP
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

Description from Host: The plight of asylum seeking women in Central America has been well documented by human rights groups as well as country reports by various states and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Women refugees who are en route to Mexico, through Central American countries, and along borders are targeted for kidnapping, murder and sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) by traffickers, cartels and local authorities. Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQI+ identifying women are especially targeted and at heightened risk while travelling to and through Mexico.

The Government of Canada recognizes the need for a regional approach to address forced migration in Latin America and the Caribbean, including increasing protection for vulnerable groups, such as women and girls, in the region by providing them with safe and regular migration pathways.

This new temporary public policy facilitates the resettlement of up to 100 people who identify as women and who are survivors of SGBV, and who have fled their home country and are currently residing in Mexico, along with their family members, as members of the Convention Refugee Abroad class or the Country of Asylum class.

Reed Smith LLP will be responsible for: identifying the principal applicants and their family members; issuing a referral letter signed by Reed Smith LLP stating that the applicants meet the conditions of the public policy; and ensuring that the principal applicants and their family members have access to counseling and targeted psychosocial support in Canada.

The views expressed are those of the author/s, and are not attributable to the host organisations of the Resettlement.Plus website.

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