Resettlement Plus collects resources about resettlement, community-based refugee sponsorship and complementary pathways, like family reunification, education pathways and employment pathways.

Resettlement Plus aims to share as much knowledge about the different avenues to protection as we can to a wide audience, as accessibly as possible. The database is constantly developing and we encourage users to submit material to build a collaborative database.

↦ Knowledge Hub

Resettlement Plus hosts a searchable and browsable database of resources

↦ Academic articles
↦ Expert studies and reports
↦ Policy briefs
↦ Training and guidance materials
↦ Opinion pieces and commentary

↦ Updates

We regularly post information about

↦ International and online events, including conferences, lectures, policy workshops and roundtable meetings
↦ Blogs by expert researchers, practitioners and policy makers
↦ Latest commentary, research and data on refugee situations
↦ Our collection of data sets created by leading refugee and migration organizations

↬What we offer

An inclusive and accessible place to learn more about resettlement and pathways to protection.

Resettlement Plus informs and connects people interested in learning about avenues for refugee protection: researchers, policymakers, practitioners, civil society, sponsors and frontline workers. We share knowledge from experts in a range of countries and welcome users with different experiences, including people from communities affected by displacement.
If you want to discover more about resettlement and other third country avenues for refugee protection, this site is for you!

⇥What we cannot offer

We do not offer frontline services (like guidance or advice) to people in refugee circumstances who are seeking advice about resettlement or other pathways to protection.

We understand that the processes associated with resettlement and other pathways to protection can be complex and difficult to navigate. If you have a query that relates to your own situation, or that of a family member or close contact, we recommend that you reach out to organizations that offer advice about refugee status and movement like the ⇝ UNHCR Help service.

Our Partners

Resettlement Plus is a shared project by the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub-Pathways International and the University of Toronto.

↬Audrey Macklin

Audrey Macklin is Professor of Law and Rebecca Cook Chair in Human Rights at University of Toronto.  She teaches, researches, and writes about legal dimensions of migration, refugees, citizenship and human rights.  She was awarded a fellowship by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation in support of her research on private/community refugee sponsorship.  She is also a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Her role in initiating, envisioning and supporting Resettlement Plus grows out of her work on resettlement, and desire to build a community of researchers, students, policy makers and civil society actors committed to building and sharing knowledge.

↬Biftu Yousuf

Biftu Yousuf serves as the Principal Analyst at Pathways International, playing a central role in guiding research strategies, contributing to scholarship, and mobilizing knowledge. Biftu leads a dedicated knowledge team comprised of staff and student-researchers housed at the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub. This team routinely monitors, compiles, and shares field-leading expertise on protection pathways for refugees and migrants. Biftu oversees the management, curation, and dissemination of knowledge products on the Resettlement Plus website. Biftu earned her PhD in Critical Human Geography from York University, and has directed original research on refugee protection, sponsorship, and resettlement.

↝Contact us

Resettlement Plus fosters the sharing of research in this resource hub and encourage users to submit material and items to build a collaborative database. We welcome your suggestions to improve Resettlement Plus

Please contact us with any suggestions for new material that should be included in our library, if you would like to contribute a blog, or if you have an upcoming refugee-focused event that you want featured on the website. You can also contact us if you find an error on Resettlement Plus.
