Summary of Higher Education in Europe: A Pathway to Protection for Afghans
Through desk research and qualitative interviews, the European Council on Refugees and Exile explores higher education in Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands as a protection pathway for Afghans at risk, including the existing programs, barriers to access, and ways forward.
Summary of Selections from the Forced Migration Review 70th Issue (3) – Knowledge, voice and power: Research, Authorship, Higher Education, and Academia
In September 2022, the Forced Migration Review published their 70th issue with a special focus on perspectives and expertise by those with lived experience. This research summary provides the following executive summaries of: "Mentoring new voices in forced migration publishing," "Rhetorical commitments and funding realities in Dadaab, Kenya," "Funding, credibility, and visibility: supporting forced migration research in the Global South," "Co-writing and inclusive publications," "Displaced Syrian academics: unheard voices in academia," "Exclusion from the conversation: reflections from Afghan refugees," and "When displaced persons lead research: experiences from East Africa."
Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways
The Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways (GTF) promotes and supports the expansion of tertiary education as a complementary pathway for refugee students.
Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN)
The Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) is a team of researchers and practitioners committed to promoting protection and solutions with and for refugees. LERRN's goal is to ensure that refugee research, policy and practice are shaped by a more inclusive, equitable and informed collective engagement of civil society.