Refugee-Led Research Hub
The RLRH aims to support scholars and researchers from displaced communities, predominantly in Eastern Africa, to be leaders in knowledge production and decision making in the field of Forced Migration Studies and humanitarian research. RLRH endeavours to bring its name to life: displaced scholars and researchers comprise a large majority of the organisational structure and leadership, supported by non-refugee colleagues who work to transfer their skills and privileges for the enrichment of refugee colleagues. With refugees at the centre of organisation leadership, and as the explicit contributors of all academic and research activities, RLRH aims to build an intellectually rich community of scholars and researchers who best understand displacement and are able to speak to the issues with authority, authenticity, and force.
Summary of Selections from the Forced Migration Review 70th Issue (3) – Knowledge, voice and power: Research, Authorship, Higher Education, and Academia
In September 2022, the Forced Migration Review published their 70th issue with a special focus on perspectives and expertise by those with lived experience. This research summary provides the following executive summaries of: "Mentoring new voices in forced migration publishing," "Rhetorical commitments and funding realities in Dadaab, Kenya," "Funding, credibility, and visibility: supporting forced migration research in the Global South," "Co-writing and inclusive publications," "Displaced Syrian academics: unheard voices in academia," "Exclusion from the conversation: reflections from Afghan refugees," and "When displaced persons lead research: experiences from East Africa."
Summary of Selections from the Forced Migration Review 70th Issue (2) – Knowledge, Voice and Power: Refugee Participation and Refugee-led Organizations
In September 2022, the Forced Migration Review published their 70th issue with a special focus on perspectives and expertise by those with lived experience. This research summary provides the following executive summaries of: "Shifting Power in Forced Displacement: the Need for Internal Organizational Change," "Language, Power, and Voice in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning: A Checklist for Practitioners," "Beyond Consultation: Creating Meaningful Partnerships Through Participation," "Power-brokers and Gatekeepers as Allies: A Model for Partnership," and "Voice, Identity and Listening: Reflections from a Refugee."
Summary of Selections from the Forced Migration Review 70th Issue (1) – Knowledge, Voice and Power: Refugee Participation and Refugee-led Organizations
In September 2022, the Forced Migration Review published their 70th issue with a special focus on perspectives and expertise by those with lived experience. This research summary provides the following executive summaries of: "Bridging Youth and Power: the Youth Advisory Board in Cairo," "Hear My Voice: Refugees' Participation in Kenyan Policy Development," "Voice and Power at the Intersection of Art, Technology, and Advocacy," "Self-representation of Syrian Refugees in the Media in Turkey and Germany," "Meaningful Representation Starts at the Top: Refugees on UNHCR ExCom," and "Not just a Seat at the Table: Refugee Participation and the Importance of Listening."