Summary of Higher Education in Europe: A Pathway to Protection for Afghans
Through desk research and qualitative interviews, the European Council on Refugees and Exile explores higher education in Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands as a protection pathway for Afghans at risk, including the existing programs, barriers to access, and ways forward.
Summary of Selections from the Forced Migration Review 70th Issue (2) – Knowledge, Voice and Power: Refugee Participation and Refugee-led Organizations
In September 2022, the Forced Migration Review published their 70th issue with a special focus on perspectives and expertise by those with lived experience. This research summary provides the following executive summaries of: "Shifting Power in Forced Displacement: the Need for Internal Organizational Change," "Language, Power, and Voice in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning: A Checklist for Practitioners," "Beyond Consultation: Creating Meaningful Partnerships Through Participation," "Power-brokers and Gatekeepers as Allies: A Model for Partnership," and "Voice, Identity and Listening: Reflections from a Refugee."
Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways
The Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways (GTF) promotes and supports the expansion of tertiary education as a complementary pathway for refugee students.